Drywall Calculator

One of the easiest ways to stay within your budget is to plan out exactly what you will need before you start the job, and nothing works better than a good old fashion drywall calculator.

Honestly, drywall prices are like stocks in that they can rise and fall based on your location, as well as the state of the home construction industry in your city and state. You can check out those average prices, and then apply your mathematics degree into calculating the amount of sheets per square foot, multiplied by the number of nails, divided by mud consistency and the square root of a roll of tape.

What’s that? You don’t have a mathematics degree? Then simply use your brain to enter all the pertinent details into a drywall calculator that will do it all for you, based solely on the size of the area you need to cover and the dimension of the drywall sheets you are using.

The drywall calculator will then break everything down into the tiniest little detail, including the amount of nails, screws and tape that you will need to complete the job. You can then look at the average prices of all those materials in your area and very quickly come up with your total price, and all without attending a single class.

What is your coverage area?

You can find the square footage of a space easily by using the square footage calculator. All you need is a pencil, paper, measuring tape and a couple simple equations.

in square feet

Select your drywall panel size

4′ x 8′

4′ x 10′

4′ x 12′

4′ x 11′

4′ x 12′

4′ x 13′

4′ x 14′

4′ x 15′

4′ x 16′

Total panels needed to finish your project:

total panels

Drywall Mud:
Ready-Mixed joint compound
Lightweight ready-mixed all purpose joint compound
Setting-Type (quick-drying) joint compound
Lightweight Setting-Type joint compound
Types of Fasteners:

Drywall Nails
Drywall Screws
You Will Also Need:
Drywall Joint Tape
Primer (to seal drywall)
Drywall Adhesive (29oz.tubes)

Any small business owner will tell you, one of the single most important business practices you need to be good at is estimating cost. No one that spends more, then they make will stay in business long; that same logic can be applied to personal expenses as well.

Bottom line – do your research, take your time and use the drywall calculator to jump over the estimating hurdle.