Install Drywall Ceiling
If you have to install both the ceiling and walls in a room, always attach the drywall panels to the ceiling first. By doing that first, the wall panels will help support the rim of the ceiling – giving some extra strength.
Before you get started, grab a friend, because installing drywall ceiling requires two set of hands. A third person won’t hurt either. The only way around having help is to get a drywall list, which let’s you to attach the panel while the lift holds it.
Now that you’ve got friends or a panel lift, you can begin raising the roof.
Installing Drywall Ceiling

The first few boards may seem awkward – especially if it’s your first time – but with your friend and some patience you can knock out most rooms in no time. Now, the best way to install a ceiling in 8ft rooms in to setup a couple of benches for you and your friend to stand on.
The benches will give you the height to place pressure on the ceiling with your head – yes your head. Using the head to hold up the panel let’s you use both hands securing it.
* Make sure you hang the drywall so that the grain is parallel to the joists.
* Don’t countersink your screws to far – causes the drywall to pull through
1. Getting in position
Set up on the benches and raise the panel to the ceiling allowing one side to remain lower while getting the other in place. Make sure to position the first panels tight against the wall.
2. Use the head
Have your partner hold the other end of the panel in place while you apply pressure gently with your head giving you the ability to secure the panel in place.
Use a Drywall Lift
No doubt about it, drywall is heavy. A single sheet of 4’ x 8’ x ½” is over 50 pounds, so rising that 8 to 15 feet in the air is no easy task. That’s where a drywall lift comes in handy. A drywall lift does the heavy lifting while you position and fasten the panel to the ceiling. Not only will this save your back, but it can turn a two person job into one that can be knocked out quickly once you get the hang of it.
Typical drywall lifts come in models that have different lifting heights and load capacities, which is something that you will have to take into account before you buy or rent one. The maximum lifting height is about 19’, and the most that the sturdiest of lifts can handle is around 200lbs.
Whether your working with 8′ or 16′ panels, it’ll get the job done.