How to Wet Sand Drywall (Dust Free)
Sanding is always the part of drywall repair or installation that I dread. Usually, I’ll grab packs of sand paper, a dust respirator and old clothes to begin the long messy and at times hazardous for those with breathing issues process of finishing out a job. However, a few years back, I learned a technique that allows you to avoid the mess all together – wet sanding drywall.
Wet sanding drywall – the dust free drywall sanding method.
Not to mention, wet sanding drywall only requires a bucket and drywall sponge; it tends to be less expensive than sand paper methods.
Dust free Drywall Sanding

Lucky for do it yourselfers, getting the job done will only mean a bucket and drywall sponge from your local hardware store. No need for power tools, sand paper or respirators.
Start by filling your bucket up with warm water. We plan on using very little and periodically will replace dusty water with fresh water; no need to fill up the bucket.
Grab your drywall sponge and identify sanding side (rougher and tighter) verses the sponge side which is only for lightly supplying water while sanding. Now that you’ve mastered the sponge, submerge it in your bucket. Squeezing mostly all the water out, because a lightly damped works best (not dripping).
Take the sanding side and begin using large circular strokes over your excess compound; making sure to apply pressure evenly. You won’t be perfect the first time. But try to work down areas that appear uneven without accidentally creating grooves. It takes practice.
As you sand make sure you keep returning to your bucket for clean water; submerge, squeeze to lightly damped and continue. Once the water becomes dirty enough not to see through it, pour out the old and add fresh warm water. Rinse and repeat.
You will begin noticing the advantages of this method – no mess!